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BT42 2YA is a postal code/postcode located in Dunnamanagh, Derry City and Strabane, and all information about this postal code/postcode is listed below, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Dunnamanagh, Derry City and Strabane.

Postcode/Postal code BT42 2YA Status In use or not?[No]
Ward Dunnamanagh Ward Code N08000515
District/City Derry City and Strabane District Code N09000005
County n/a County Code N99999999
Constituency West Tyrone Region Northern Ireland
Rural or urban n/a Local County Council n/a
Name of the Parish n/a Parish Code n/a
latitude & longitude 54.913836, -7.363981 Altitude(in Metres) 42
Distance to sea(km) 15.6505
Introduced Date 2002-11-01 Was it terminated?
Population covered N/A Number of Households N/A
Average household income n/a Bulk of the population work Derry
(Code for the Middle Layer Super Output Area)
N99999999 Index of Multiple Deprivation 42
Postcode is a small or large user? large user (addresses receive more than 25 items of mail per day)
Nearest train station n/a Distance to the nearest station(kilometres) n/a km
The area of the postcode BT District of the the postcode BT42
Related police force (pseudo) Northern Ireland Related water company Northern Ireland Water

More Postcodes in Dunnamanagh, Derry City and Strabane

Postcode/Postal code Ward District County Country
BT47 2RZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 3UT Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 4JL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 4JN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 4JW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0BF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0BS Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0BT Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0BX Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0BY Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0BZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0DB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0DE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0DQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0FD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0FE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0GZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0HL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0HP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0HR Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0HS Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0HT Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JR Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JS Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JT Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JU Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JY Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0JZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LR Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LS Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LT Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LU Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LX Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LY Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0LZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0ND Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NR Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NS Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NU Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0NX Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PR Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PS Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PT Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PU Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PX Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PY Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0PZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0QW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RU Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RX Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RY Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0RZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SA Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SB Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SD Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SE Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SF Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SG Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SH Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SJ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SL Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SN Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SP Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SQ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0ST Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SW Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT82 0SZ Dunnamanagh Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland