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BT44 0TJ is a postal code/postcode located in Lurigethan, Causeway Coast and Glens, and all information about this postal code/postcode is listed below, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Lurigethan, Causeway Coast and Glens.

Postcode/Postal code BT44 0TJ Status In use or not?[Yes]
Ward Lurigethan Ward Code N08000427
District/City Causeway Coast and Glens District Code N09000004
County n/a County Code N99999999
Constituency East Antrim Region Northern Ireland
Rural or urban n/a Local County Council n/a
Name of the Parish n/a Parish Code n/a
latitude & longitude 55.072273, -6.059384 Altitude(in Metres) 22
Distance to sea(km) 0.456398
Introduced Date 2006-07-01 Was it terminated? Not
Population covered N/A Number of Households N/A
Average household income n/a Bulk of the population work Ballymena
(Code for the Middle Layer Super Output Area)
N99999999 Index of Multiple Deprivation 22
Postcode is a small or large user? small user (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Nearest train station n/a Distance to the nearest station(kilometres) n/a km
The area of the postcode BT District of the the postcode BT44
Related police force (pseudo) Northern Ireland Related water company Northern Ireland Water

More Postcodes in Lurigethan, Causeway Coast and Glens

Postcode/Postal code Ward District County Country
BT44 0AF Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0AX Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0AY Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0DB Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0JT Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0LZ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NA Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NB Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0ND Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NE Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NF Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NG Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NN Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NP Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NQ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NR Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0NZ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QE Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QF Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QG Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QH Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QL Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QN Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QP Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QQ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QR Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QS Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QT Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QU Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QW Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QX Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QY Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0QZ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RA Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RB Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RD Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RE Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RF Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RG Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RH Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RL Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RN Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RP Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RQ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RR Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RS Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RT Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RU Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RW Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RX Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RY Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0RZ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SA Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SD Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SG Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SH Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SJ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SL Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SN Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SQ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SR Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0SW Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TD Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TE Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TH Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TJ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TL Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TN Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TQ Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland
BT44 0TR Lurigethan Causeway Coast and Glens N/A Northern Ireland