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BT47 1AD is a postal code/postcode located in Victoria, Derry City and Strabane, and all information about this postal code/postcode is listed below, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Victoria, Derry City and Strabane.

Postcode/Postal code BT47 1AD Status In use or not?[No]
Ward Victoria Ward Code N08000540
District/City Derry City and Strabane District Code N09000005
County n/a County Code N99999999
Constituency Foyle Region Northern Ireland
Rural or urban n/a Local County Council n/a
Name of the Parish n/a Parish Code n/a
latitude & longitude 54.990093, -7.313221 Altitude(in Metres) 19
Distance to sea(km) 6.61242
Introduced Date 1984-12-01 Was it terminated?
Population covered N/A Number of Households N/A
Average household income n/a Bulk of the population work Derry
(Code for the Middle Layer Super Output Area)
N99999999 Index of Multiple Deprivation 19
Postcode is a small or large user? small user (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Nearest train station n/a Distance to the nearest station(kilometres) n/a km
The area of the postcode BT District of the the postcode BT47
Related police force (pseudo) Northern Ireland Related water company Northern Ireland Water

More Postcodes in Victoria, Derry City and Strabane

Postcode/Postal code Ward District County Country
BT47 2AB Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AD Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AS Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AT Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AU Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AX Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AY Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2AZ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BA Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BB Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BD Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BE Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BG Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BH Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BJ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BL Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BN Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BT Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BU Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2BW Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2DR Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2DS Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2DU Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2DX Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2DY Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2DZ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EA Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EB Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EE Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EF Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EG Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EH Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EJ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EL Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EN Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2ER Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2ES Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2ET Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EU Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EW Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EX Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2EY Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FB Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FF Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FG Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FH Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2FR Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HE Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HF Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HG Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HH Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HJ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HL Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HN Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HR Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HS Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HT Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HU Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HW Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HX Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HY Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2HZ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2LA Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2LQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2NH Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2NJ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2NP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2NQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2NS Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2NU Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2PZ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2QA Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2QB Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2QD Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2QH Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2SZ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2TJ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2TN Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2TP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 2TQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AA Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AD Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AE Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AF Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AG Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AJ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6AT Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6DQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6FP Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6QA Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6QQ Victoria Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland