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BT47 5NW is a postal code/postcode located in Lisnagelvin, Derry City and Strabane, and all information about this postal code/postcode is listed below, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Lisnagelvin, Derry City and Strabane.

Postcode/Postal code BT47 5NW Status In use or not?[Yes]
Ward Lisnagelvin Ward Code N08000525
District/City Derry City and Strabane District Code N09000005
County n/a County Code N99999999
Constituency Foyle Region Northern Ireland
Rural or urban n/a Local County Council n/a
Name of the Parish n/a Parish Code n/a
latitude & longitude 54.994380, -7.300898 Altitude(in Metres) 47
Distance to sea(km) 5.83698
Introduced Date 2001-12-01 Was it terminated? Not
Population covered 61 Number of Households 31
Average household income n/a Bulk of the population work Derry
(Code for the Middle Layer Super Output Area)
N99999999 Index of Multiple Deprivation 47
Postcode is a small or large user? small user (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Nearest train station n/a Distance to the nearest station(kilometres) n/a km
The area of the postcode BT District of the the postcode BT47
Related police force (pseudo) Northern Ireland Related water company Northern Ireland Water

More Postcodes in Lisnagelvin, Derry City and Strabane

Postcode/Postal code Ward District County Country
BT47 5DE Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5FA Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NR Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NT Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NU Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NW Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NX Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NY Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5NZ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PD Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PE Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PF Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PG Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PN Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PP Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PQ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PR Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PS Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PT Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PU Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PW Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PX Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PY Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5PZ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QA Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QB Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QD Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QE Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QF Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QG Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QH Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QJ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QL Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QN Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5QQ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5RS Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5WA Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5WB Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5WD Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5WE Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5WF Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 5YJ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6DA Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6DB Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6DF Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6FY Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6GG Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6GH Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6GJ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6GL Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6LF Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6LG Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6YE Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6YF Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6YG Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6YQ Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6YW Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6YY Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland
BT47 6ZE Lisnagelvin Derry City and Strabane N/A Northern Ireland