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EC2M 3TY is a postal code/postcode located in Bishopsgate, City of London, City of London, and all information about this postal code/postcode is listed below, as well as other postal codes/postcodes located in Bishopsgate, City of London, City of London.

Postcode/Postal code EC2M 3TY Status In use or not?[Yes]
Ward Bishopsgate Ward Code E05009292
District/City City of London District Code E09000001
County City of London County Code E11000005
Constituency Cities of London and Westminster Region London
Rural or urban Urban major conurbation Local County Council n/a
Name of the Parish City of London, unparished area Parish Code E43000191
latitude & longitude 51.520229, -0.079256 Altitude(in Metres) 30
Distance to sea(km) 34.7108
Introduced Date 1993-01-01 Was it terminated? Not
Population covered N/A Number of Households N/A
Average household income 65400 Bulk of the population work London
(Code for the Middle Layer Super Output Area)
E02000001 Index of Multiple Deprivation 30
Postcode is a small or large user? small user (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Nearest train station Liverpool Street Distance to the nearest station(kilometres) 0.290592 km
The area of the postcode EC District of the the postcode EC2M
Related police force City of London Related water company Thames Water

More Postcodes in Bishopsgate, City of London, City of London

Postcode/Postal code Ward District County Country
E1 6AN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7DJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7ES Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7HP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7HT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7HY Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7JF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7JH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7JJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7LP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
E1 7LS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2AF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2AG Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2BQ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2BR Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2DA Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2DB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2EF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2EG Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2EH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2ES Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2EW Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2EX Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2JN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2NY Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2RS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2A 2UT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 1GT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 1QS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 1QT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 1RP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 1RQ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 1RX Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2AB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2AN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2AR Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2AT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2AU Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2PA Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2PB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2PF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2PJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2PP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2QS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2QT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 2TE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3AB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3AE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3AF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3AJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3AN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3BN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3NS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3TL Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3TP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3TQ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3TY Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3UE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3UT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3WA Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3XJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3XU Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3YD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 3YX Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4AE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4AF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4AG Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4AH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4AJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4AN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4BB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4HD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4LL Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4LN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4LX Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4NP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4NQ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4NR Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4NS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4PT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4QB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4QD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4QH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4RH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4SQ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4TE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4TH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4TP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4TR Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4UJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4WD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YA Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YF Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YJ Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YR Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YT Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 4YW Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7LS Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7PD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7PN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7PP Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7PR Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7PY Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7QA Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2M 7QN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2N 4AA Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2N 4AD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2N 4AG Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2N 4AY Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2N 4JL Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2P 2DH Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC2P 2QN Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC3A 6DE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC3A 6DG Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC3A 7AB Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC3A 7BD Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC3A 7BE Bishopsgate City of London City of London England
EC3A 7LL Bishopsgate City of London City of London England